Sometimes backbends feel like you grew 3 inches taller. Other times it feels like you snapped your back in half. And sometimes you just want to stretch your back at the supermarket. (Am i right!? )
Cobra pose (aka Bhujangasana) is a gentle backbend accessible to almost everyone. After a few cobra rolls, you stand straighter, taller, and more confident.
If you’re pregnant, have been told you shouldn’t do backbends, or any back bend feels uncomfortable, check out the variations and modifications of cobra pose below or in this video. There’s a variation available to almost everyone. Give them a try and see which one helps you look taller.
And how to do cobra pose at the supermarket? Read the contraindicated conditions here first, then skip ahead to this modification. If you’re not already and want to be the first to know new ways to do yoga inconspicuously while grocery shopping, sign up for my newsletter with exclusive tips .
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Cobra Pose 101 (Bhujangasana): How to Set It Up
Bhujangasana is one of those poses where how you do it & how it looks depends on what school of yoga your teacher came from. Like with plank pose, I’ll break down some key points that can be found across all variations.
On to a more detailed breakdown. These notes are for the safest (non-modified) variation of cobra pose. Bhujangasana does have some contraindications. Take a look below before you try this pose.
Cobra is often used as a warm-up at the beginning of class before you move into deeper backbends. If you feel like a dinosaur hunched over your desk all day, cobra pose is a great way to get rid of those t-rex typing arms and stand 10 ft tall after an eon of work.
Press the hands into the ground to help the back muscles lift the torso (only lift as high or an inch or two more than what your back muscles can do alone)
Head stays in line with the curve of the spine
Gaze is a few feet in front of the hands or at the top of the mat
Important notes
It’s essential to keep the lower spine in as neutral of a position as possible.
Extended Cobra
Reason: You want a deep back bend and hip flexor (psoas) stretch and have no contraindications
Press the hands into the ground to straighten the arms
Press the ground down and the shoulders move away from the ears
Tops of the feet, knees, and thighs stay connected to the floor
Head stays in line with the curve of the spine
Gaze is a few feet in front of the hands or at the top of the mat
Important notes
Unlike in upward-facing dog, in this variation of cobra pose the legs do not press down into the ground to help lift the torso. The hip extension and low-back bend are deeper in this version of cobra versus upward-facing dog.
Reason: You need/want to pad any surface connected to the mat for any reason (bursitis, allodynia, fibromyalgia)
How to do it:
Do any of the above cobra variations
Place a soft folded blanket under the sensitive areas
Am I doing this Right? What you should feel in Cobra Pose
There are a variety of cobra poses listed above and as different as they all may appear to be, here are the few things you should feel in all of the variations:
Lower Body:
Tops of the feet, knees, and thighs are connected to (touching) the floor. How firm? That’s up to you, your body (bursitis of the knees anyone?), your teacher, or your yoga practice lineage.
Trunk of the Body:
The muscles of the low back are engaged (you should feel the effort of those muscles)
Chest is lifted (only a little bit for most variations) off of the surface
Upper Body:
Hands in line with your shoulders connected to the ground
Shoulders (and shoulder blades) move towards one another and away from the ears (you’ll feel the muscles in your middle back working)
(See below) your neck is neutral (you don’t feel the back of your neck engage or shorten)
(See above) should be wherever the neck leads it. For most it’s at the top of your yoga mat
Let’s Nerd Out: The Anatomical breakdown of Cobra Pose
Bhujangasana is one of those pose where you can go all-in and engage half of your body, or you can try-easy and only work what MUST be worked. Below I’ve broken it down into what is mandatory to engage, what you should engage but not required to move the body into cobra pose, and what is optional.
Muscles Worked
Erector Spinae: Used to lift the upper body into a heart opener and create a back bend
Quadratus Lumborum: Used to lift the upper body into a heart opener and create a back bend
Supraspinatus: To prevent internal shoulder rotation
Lower Trapezius: Used to depress the top scapula (move towards the hips)
Middle Trapezius: To draw the shoulder blades towards one another
Erector Spinae & Suboccipitals: To suport the cervical spine
Quadriceps: To keep the legs straight (prevent knee flexion)
Gluteus Maximus, Medius, & Minimus: To keep the hips on the floor and enhance the bend in the back
Muscles Stretched
Cobra is not your typical “stretchy” pose, but it is a gentle back bend.
Erectus Abdominus
Internal & External Obliques
(Maybe) Pectoralis Major & Minor if shoulder blades (scapula) are moving toward one another
What variation of bhujangasana did you like the most? Afterward, did you grow taller and get all the “ahhhhh” feels?
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