July 11, 2023
Improve your posture, feel taller, and be more confident with this quick, and easy-to-make, posture corrector with a yoga strap (or belt). It only takes 10 seconds to make this yoga-backpack using either of these 2 methods.
April 11, 2023
Nadi Shodhana, or alternate nostril breathing, is an easy and simple way to help you focus and relax. Learn how to do this pranayama (breathing practice) and how it can reduce your heart rate, blood pressure, and anxiety.
March 14, 2023
Supine twist (Supta Matsyendrasana) is the restorative yoga pose that dreams are made of, but have you explored the pose to its full potential? Discover all the variations, modifications, anatomy, and ways to prop supine twist to elevate yourself to a dream state.
December 6, 2022
Sometimes backbends feel like you grew 3 inches taller. Other times it feels like you snapped your back in half. And then are the situations where you might not be cautioned against doing them. Enter in: Cobra pose (aka Bhujangasana). It‘s a gentle backbend accessible everyone that leaves you standing straighter, taller, and more confident.
October 18, 2022
Wanna know why gate pose should be in your daily movement? Because it’s a sweet side bend that stretches all the right places, and you can get a glute burn to set a spicy fire in the bottom 🍑. Did you know Gate pose (parighasana) has so many options? (I’ll get to the details below) […]
October 4, 2022
How to do savasana (physically) is simple. But when you get down to the essence of Savasana you’ll discover it’s a hard pose (some say the hardest pose), but one thing makes it easier: set yourself up correctly. Both physically and mentally - in turn - you set yourself up for success.
September 20, 2022
Plank pose is a great way to work the core, but do you know why you should engage your inner thighs and turn the eyes of the elbows forward in the pose? Discover how to do the pose, modifications for all ability levels, and some all-important anatomy of plank pose, aka phalakasana.
August 23, 2022
Do you clean your baseboards? I’m not much of a cleaner. I do what feels necessary: wipe down the spills from the night’s dinner off of the counters, spray cleaner on sticky spills, and hire someone else to do the rest 🤣 Let’s be real, those baseboards are so far away, and that’s why practicing deep squats like malasana is so important.
August 9, 2022
Pop quiz: what’s the safest way to stretch your hamstrings? I’ll give you 3 Clues: It’s not a standing pose It’s safe for those with herniated discs You can do variations of this pose standing, seated, and probably kneeling (if you’re talented 😜) Did the blog photo give the answer away? You’re smart. You knew […]
July 26, 2022
Puppy pose is one of those poses I roll out of bed, on to the floor, and into, with my eyes partially open and crusty. Can you hear the subtle popping of my back? It feels sooooo good 🤤. How do you make it feel even better for you? Keep reading to find out!