Ultimate Guide How to Garland Pose/Yogi Squat/Malasana + Anatomy Break Down

August 23, 2022

Do you clean your baseboards? I’m not much of a cleaner. I do what feels necessary: wipe down the spills from the night’s dinner off of the counters, spray cleaner on sticky spills, and hire someone else to do the rest 🤣 Let’s be real, those baseboards are so far away, and that’s why practicing deep squats like malasana is so important.

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Neck Pain: What you should know is causing it & 1 easy way to feel relief

August 16, 2022

Trying to reach that thing behind you, but can’t get it? Tight chest muscles are the culprit. Learn how to release them, reduce headaches, neck pain, and more.

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Ultimate Guide How to Supine Hand to Big Toe Pose + Anatomy Break Down

August 9, 2022

Pop quiz: what’s the safest way to stretch your hamstrings? I’ll give you 3 Clues:  It’s not a standing pose It’s safe for those with herniated discs You can do variations of this pose standing, seated, and probably kneeling (if you’re talented 😜) Did the blog photo give the answer away? You’re smart. You knew […]

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Relieve neck pain quickly using 2 items you already have in your house

August 2, 2022

I’m sitting at my keyboard, shoulders sore from being lifted for so long. With my left hand, I squeeze and massage my right shoulder, which slowly softens away from my ear.  As I release my hands down to my keyboard, I realize NOW, my LEFT shoulder is sore from all the squeezing. 🙄 Do I […]

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How to Do Puppy Pose (uttana shishosana) Ultimate Guide + Anatomy Break Down

July 26, 2022

Puppy pose is one of those poses I roll out of bed, on to the floor, and into, with my eyes partially open and crusty. Can you hear the subtle popping of my back? It feels sooooo good 🤤. How do you make it feel even better for you? Keep reading to find out!

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Reduce your Neck Pain and Eliminate Tech Neck with this 1 Simple Thing

July 19, 2022

You’ve been sitting at your desk for 3 hours straight. Your neck starts to hurt so you tilt your head to one side, then the other. You give the muscles of your neck a squeeze only for a moment of relief, then bam! That achy pain comes back. Tight muscles are not the only reason why your neck might be sore, they might actually need to be strengthened.

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Ultimate Guide: How to do Tree Pose (Vrksasana) + Anatomy Break Down

July 12, 2022

It's simple. It’s boring. But I love to make it dance! Tree pose shouldn’t be overlooked, but even I get complacent when practicing Vrksasana (Vrikhsasana). Learn how to modify the pose for your practice as well as how to advance the pose when you’re needing more of a challenge.

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Achieve better posture with 1 simple stretch and a doorway

July 5, 2022

Feeling slumpy at the end of the day? Door Cactus is one simple stretch you can do to correct text neck (tech neck/forward head), relieve neck and shoulder pain, as well as reduce tension headaches and migraines.

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How to Do Side Angle Pose (Parsvakonasana) and Anatomy Break Down

June 28, 2022

Side angle pose (Parsvakonasana or Utthita Parsvakonasana) is a great standing to build leg strength and stretch the side body. Learn how to modify the pose for your practice as well as how to advance the pose when you’re needing more of a challenge.

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One Powerful Mindfulness Practice to reduce anxiety, depression, and chronic pain

June 21, 2022

Mindful breathing is a simple practice you can do anywhere to help increase your overall joy and decrease anxiety, depression, and chronic pain.

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Bridge Pose – The “Everything Pose” to work the lower body and stretch the neck, back and hips

June 14, 2022

Bridge pose, on the surface, seems like an “easy” pose. Early on in a yoga practice you may not think much of it, but as you practice it more and more you’ll see the subtleties that make this pose great for so many reasons. It can be adapted to many situations (and conditions) and it can be used for both a workout and a stretch.

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Mindful Neck Stretching for Tension Headache and Migraine Relief

June 7, 2022

We’ve all had a sore neck. We stretch and move, but sometimes we get no relief. Learn how mindful neck stretching can help you relieve neck pain, neck stiffness, headaches, and migraines.

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