5 simple ways to actually Increase your flexibility and mobility

November 1, 2022

Do you stretch before you work out? Take 3 yoga classes per week? But you still can’t touch your toes? Try these 4 different techniques to reset your brain and body and make actual gains in your flexibility and mobility.

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8 scientifically proven ways you can easily relieve your anxiety now

September 13, 2022

When you can feel your heart beating in your throat, the sweat begins to bead on your hands, and the list of things you need to do as an uncontrollable cyclone in your head, there are these 8 scientifically proven ways to help you relieve your anxiety and regain control of your life.

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Undo 12 health conditions and see why belly breathing matters

August 30, 2022

You can live weeks without food. Days without water. But at 7 min without breath, your life will cease to exist. Breathing is essential, and it’s automatic. We put very little, if any thought, in how we do it or what’s going on while we do it. If it’s automatic, why should I care if I’m doing it right!? In a single breath, the way you breathe can tell your body and brain that you’re in trouble, or that you're safe.

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Achieve better posture with 1 simple stretch and a doorway

July 5, 2022

Feeling slumpy at the end of the day? Door Cactus is one simple stretch you can do to correct text neck (tech neck/forward head), relieve neck and shoulder pain, as well as reduce tension headaches and migraines.

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One Powerful Mindfulness Practice to reduce anxiety, depression, and chronic pain

June 21, 2022

Mindful breathing is a simple practice you can do anywhere to help increase your overall joy and decrease anxiety, depression, and chronic pain.

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Mindful Neck Stretching for Tension Headache and Migraine Relief

June 7, 2022

We’ve all had a sore neck. We stretch and move, but sometimes we get no relief. Learn how mindful neck stretching can help you relieve neck pain, neck stiffness, headaches, and migraines.

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