5 simple ways to actually Increase your flexibility and mobility

November 1, 2022

Do you stretch before you work out? Take 3 yoga classes per week? But you still can’t touch your toes? Try these 4 different techniques to reset your brain and body and make actual gains in your flexibility and mobility.

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Neck Pain: What you should know is causing it & 1 easy way to feel relief

August 16, 2022

Trying to reach that thing behind you, but can’t get it? Tight chest muscles are the culprit. Learn how to release them, reduce headaches, neck pain, and more.

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Relieve neck pain quickly using 2 items you already have in your house

August 2, 2022

I’m sitting at my keyboard, shoulders sore from being lifted for so long. With my left hand, I squeeze and massage my right shoulder, which slowly softens away from my ear.  As I release my hands down to my keyboard, I realize NOW, my LEFT shoulder is sore from all the squeezing. 🙄 Do I […]

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